PoleSTAH3 Polar Science, Technology, Archaeology, History, Heritage and Humanities
2026 Northern Hemisphere, venue to be confirmed
About the Conference
This biannual conference brings together polar organisations and colleagues from the realms of science, technology, archaeology, history, heritage and the humanities in a forum that ensures a broad range of perspectives and interchanges. The conference is hybrid, with staggered sessions to ensure global participation.
The conference is ideal for, but not limited to, those engaged with polar: heritage conservation, heritage policy and governance, climatology, geoscience, biology, and polar programmes.
PoleSTAH3 is an initiative of the International Council on Monuments and Sites International Scientific Committee on Polar Heritage (ICOMOS Polar Heritage). The conference is a service to its members, and the broader polar community.
To join the conference mailing list, please email us at polestah.conference@gmail.com
Information & insight
How can polar science and heritage conservation endeavours be enhanced through research collaboration?
Technology & techniques
How can polar remote sensing, robotics, and information processing be better utilised and shared?
Antarctica & the Arctic
How can scientists and heritage conservation experts in Antarctica and the Arctic further integrate their respective endeavours?